Coffee is one of the most popular drinks, and for good reason. It boosts energy, improves mental alertness, and is a great way to enjoy something tasty while hanging out, among many other benefits! But did you know that you can use whole cloves to make your coffee more flavorful and add health benefits ?
WHAT are Whole Cloves and WHY use them?
Cloves are derived from flower buds of the clove tree also known as Syzygium aromatic, which is an evergreen tree. The immature buds are picked and dried to produce the spice. Not only do the cloves give a natural spice, but they also contain important nutrients such as fiber, manganese, vitamin K and considered high in antioxidants. A few studies have shown these cloves help stop the growth of tumors Study.
So HOW do you use them?
There are many different ways to use them, but today we are going to share 1 of the easiest way to use clove in your diet. If you're a black coffee drinker or a little sugar coffee drinker, but is looking for great taste and health benefit this recipe is for you.
Cloves & Cinnamon in Coffee
Ingredients: 2 cups water
Your choice of homemade coffee
1/2 cinnamon stick
4 whole cloves
5 teaspoons of brown Sugar
Whipping (optional)
Step 1: In a small pot, combined the 2 cups of coffee with the cinnamon stick and cloves and bring to boil
Step 2: Remove pot from heat and let it sit for 5-7 minutes.
Step 3: Strain into your mug and discard of the spices. Careful!
Step 4: Stir in sugar and add whip (optional)
Step 5: ALL DONE! Enjoy your new favorite beverage
Nutrition Facts
1 cup (no whip): 46 calories, 0 fat (0 saturated fat), 0 cholesterol, 1kg sodium, 11g carbohydrate (10g sugars, 0fiber), 0 protein